Old Irish Zodiac - the constellations of the Zodiac as they are known in the Irish language.

Old Irish Zodiac - the constellations of the Zodiac as they are known in the Irish language.

Old Irish Zodiac - the constellations of the Zodiac as they are known in the Irish language.

Ecliptic star groups in the Irish language

Zodiac Name Old Irish Name Meaning Symbol


Réithe Ram  


Tarbh Bull  


Castor & Pollucs The Twins  


Portán Crab  




Oigbhean Young Woman  


Scálai Scales


Scorpion Scorpion  


Laoch Caithte Saighead Hero of the Thrown Arrows  


Pocán The Goat  


An tUisceadóir Water Carrier  


Dá Iasc Two Fishes  

This old Irish zodiac was obviously heavily influenced by Greco-Latin ideals, and translated straight into Irish, although it is interesting that Leo is called 'Cú', The Hound, and not Leon, the Lion. There is some evidence to suggest constellation groupings like the bull constellation were perceived in ancient Ireland. Other constellations which were recognised as groupings include Orion (which was known in various forms, most notably Nuadu of the Silver Hand) and Cassiopeia and the Northern Crown. Cygnus, The Swan, was probably recognised as a constellation too.

The Milky Way was known as 'The Way of the White Cow, and has led Mythical Ireland to believe the ancient 'river goddess' Boann (illuminated cow) was in fact meant to be the Moon, and that Newgrange, which is known in Irish as Brú na Bóinne, is not just a construct designed to capture Winter Solstice sunrise, but also Full Moon rise at certain times of the lunar cycle. Brú na Bóinne could mean 'womb of the moon'.

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