To celebrate the 200th episode of Live Irish Myths, we will be having a special QUIZ NIGHT on the ZOOM platform. The quiz will be held at 8pm Irish time next Monday, 24 October (3pm eastern, 12 noon Pacific). I have prepared 100 questions based on Irish mythology, archaeology, history and topics covered in our livestreams and on the Mythical Ireland website.
In order to participate, you MUST register at this link.
Upon registration, you will receive a link to the Zoom meeting by email. Click this link on Monday at quiz time.
I look forward to welcoming you all and to having a bit of fun. This is not designed to be competitive, but there will be prizes!! Thanks to regular viewer Sue Prenter for offering to help keep scores. We will break the quiz into 10 rounds of 10 questions each.
Some advice: to prepare for the quiz, watch ALL 199 EPISODES of Live Irish Myths and memorise the entire Mythical Ireland website!
Some of the questions are really easy, but there are some tough ones in there.
We'll have great fun. See you then!
I am pretty sure I won’t be one of the prize winners, but we shall see how I do…my Irish is much worse than my German and Spanish…
What time tonight?
Hope I can stay for all of it. Teaching this afternoon 😢