I'm delighted to announce that my new book, Return to Segais, is ready for publication. If you would like to support its publication, you can get rewards for doing so.
About Return to Segais
This is an extraordinary and magical book that was hand-written on creamy pages in a beautiful notebook. It is the story of human experience and the exploration of unconscious depths through mythology, exemplified by the life cycle of the salmon, a singularly remarkable creature which is able to survive in fresh water as well as salt water.
Return to Segais attempts to serve as a means of allowing the invigorating, revivifying and life-affirming waters of the sacred well to pour into the human experience.

A prolonged meditation upon the wonderfully rich and diverse mythic images presented in the Irish storytelling tradition yields glimpses into that deep unknown, unknowable depth of human consciousness and unconsciousness.
In Return to Segais, I summon Bradán Feasa, the Salmon of Knowledge, and Amergin, and Bóinn, and Dagda, and Manannán, and Oengus, and Ériu, and a plethora of others, to take us to those depths, and perhaps beyond.
The book will be published in hardback (my first hardback book) with gold foil debossed salmon emblem on blue wibalin, with a dust jacket. It will run to about 208 pages and will be printed on cream bookwove paper. Expected publication date is 20th March, spring equinox!

Why I'm running a GoFundMe campaign
The cost of printing Return to Segais, and the cover artwork, runs to €3,600. None of the costs of typesetting, editing, layout and proofreading are included in this figure. I absorbed all those costs myself. I would like your help in getting this magical book printed.
Visit the GoFundMe page and help support the publication of Return to Segais:
What will you get?
Anyone who pledges €10 or more will receive a free 20x15cm (8x6in) photographic print of one of my images from the Boyne Valley.
Anyone who pledges €50 or more before 1st March 2021 will receive a free signed copy of Return to Segais and their name will be included in a list of supporters to be included in the early pages of the book.