Mythical Ireland is 25 years in existence today. Celebrate with 25% off in our flash sale

Mythical Ireland is 25 years in existence today. Celebrate with 25% off in our flash sale

Mythical Ireland is celebrating a quarter of a century on the internet this St. Patrick's Day holiday weekend. The website first appeared on Thursday 16th March 2000. For the past twenty-five years, Mythical Ireland has been helping to cast 'New Light on the Ancient Past'.
In the time that has passed since then, the website has grown incredibly, to become a huge resource. Associated social media channels in recent years have a following of over 170,000 people. And I have written and published TEN books about the myths and monuments of ancient Ireland, with several more in the pipeline.
I wrote a detailed history of Mythical Ireland around this time last year, for its 24th birthday. 
Anthony Murphy of Mythical Ireland backstage with Blindboy on one of his appearances on Blindboy's live podcast shows.
It has been a quarter of a century of revelation for me; a journey of joy, intrigue, fascination, discovery and many new friends. Little did I know in March 2000 that I would write ten books, appear on television across the world, and make some of the biggest archaeological discoveries in Ireland of the 21st century.
To celebrate this very special birthday, Mythical Ireland is holding a 48-hour FLASH SALE, with a special 25% discount (one per cent for every year of the website's existence) on books and limited edition prints.
To take advantage of the discount, you can do one of two things:
Click THIS LINK to take you to the website with the discount applied.
Or use this code when checking your books and limited edition prints out:
The discount can be used on books (signed copies, of course) and limited edition prints (featuring beautiful views of Irish monuments and mythological landscapes). Don't forget that there are over 300 prints available to choose from.
Thank you, dear readers, for being part of this journey. It has been a pleasure to have you along as we explore many ancient mysteries.
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Anthony Murphy is the author of ten books, including works of non-fiction and fiction. As of 2024, all of these books are in print or available for digital download.