Fourknocks is a small passage-tomb in southeastern County Meath situated less than 10 miles (16km) from the great monument of Newgrange at Brú na Bóinne. It was excavated in 1950 by archaeologist P.J. Hartnett and is accessible to the public. It is a fascinating monument of Neolithic Ireland, dating to around 5,000 years ago. Its central chamber has the largest floor area of any excavated Irish passage-tomb, exceeding those of the much larger tombs at Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth. The megalithic art of Fourknocks, some of which is in a pristine state of conservation, is among the best-known from Irish passage-tomb art. This book – the first and only book exclusively about Fourknocks ever to have been published, other than the original excavation report, published in 1957 – aims to provide an overview of the findings of the excavation, the possible astronomical alignment of the monument, the meaning of its name, the mythology and folklore associated with it, and its setting among a wider complex of Neolithic, Late Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments. Some of the finds from the excavation are pictured in colour for the first time. Explore the beautiful and fascinating passage-mound of Fourknocks in this full-colour book from author and archaeological discoverer Anthony Murphy.

There are significant costs associated with the publication of this book, mainly associated with the acquisition of photography of the archaeological finds from the excavation of the monument, historical photographs of the excavation and installation of the roof, and printing costs.
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