
Tractor at work in the Nanny valley, Bellewstow...
A tractor in a field in the Nanny valley near Bellewstown, Co. Meath, rolling the soil after ploughing. The introduction of agriculture in the New Stone Age was arguably the...
Tractor at work in the Nanny valley, Bellewstow...
A tractor in a field in the Nanny valley near Bellewstown, Co. Meath, rolling the soil after ploughing. The introduction of agriculture in the New Stone Age was arguably the...

Almost 1.9 million sunsets since Newgrange was ...
Almost one million, nine hundred thousand sunsets. If we take the date of 3150BC for the construction of Newgrange (which is the date favoured by archaeologists), then tonight's sunset in...
Almost 1.9 million sunsets since Newgrange was ...
Almost one million, nine hundred thousand sunsets. If we take the date of 3150BC for the construction of Newgrange (which is the date favoured by archaeologists), then tonight's sunset in...

Blocc and Bluigne – standing stones at Tara
Blocc and Bluigne, the two ancient standing stones in the churchyard on the Hill of Tara. Some people say they are guardian stones. Others say that they are fertility stones....
Blocc and Bluigne – standing stones at Tara
Blocc and Bluigne, the two ancient standing stones in the churchyard on the Hill of Tara. Some people say they are guardian stones. Others say that they are fertility stones....

The Great Silver Yoke of the Boyne turns south ...
I wonder how many people throughout history might have viewed the mighty sweeping bend of the Boyne as she turns southwards at Oldbridge/Townleyhall from this great vantage point. There is...
The Great Silver Yoke of the Boyne turns south ...
I wonder how many people throughout history might have viewed the mighty sweeping bend of the Boyne as she turns southwards at Oldbridge/Townleyhall from this great vantage point. There is...

Easter Sunday and controlling time at Brug na B...
I suppose it's fitting that I should come to Newgrange on Easter Sunday, as the country remembers the events of a century ago, events that gave birth to a new...
Easter Sunday and controlling time at Brug na B...
I suppose it's fitting that I should come to Newgrange on Easter Sunday, as the country remembers the events of a century ago, events that gave birth to a new...

My new novel 'The Cry of the Sebac' has just be...
It gives me great pleasure to announce that my new novel, 'The Cry of the Sebac', has just been launched on Amazon Kindle. I am the Sebac Gaoth,the Hawk on...
My new novel 'The Cry of the Sebac' has just be...
It gives me great pleasure to announce that my new novel, 'The Cry of the Sebac', has just been launched on Amazon Kindle. I am the Sebac Gaoth,the Hawk on...

Northern lights display over Newgrange and the ...
There was a nice is somewhat shortlived display of the aurora borealis (northern lights) over Ireland tonight. I was unable to get out with the camera during the peak of...
Northern lights display over Newgrange and the ...
There was a nice is somewhat shortlived display of the aurora borealis (northern lights) over Ireland tonight. I was unable to get out with the camera during the peak of...

The peeling of the bells that calls you to your...
Some day, I would like to try to sail down the Boyne, all the way from Carbury well to Inver Colpa. I know it's likely not possible, but I'd like...
The peeling of the bells that calls you to your...
Some day, I would like to try to sail down the Boyne, all the way from Carbury well to Inver Colpa. I know it's likely not possible, but I'd like...

The sad story of Tonn Cliodhna / Cleena's Wave
Cliodhna's Wave One of the most notable landmarks of Ireland was the Tonn Cliodhna, or “Wave of Cleena,” on the seashore at Glandore Bay, in Co. Cork. The story about Cleena exists...
The sad story of Tonn Cliodhna / Cleena's Wave
Cliodhna's Wave One of the most notable landmarks of Ireland was the Tonn Cliodhna, or “Wave of Cleena,” on the seashore at Glandore Bay, in Co. Cork. The story about Cleena exists...

The Dawning of the Day . . . an Irish song and ...
There are many strange tales in the myths and folklore of Ireland. One, several variants of which can be found in different localities, concerns the idea of a city or...
The Dawning of the Day . . . an Irish song and ...
There are many strange tales in the myths and folklore of Ireland. One, several variants of which can be found in different localities, concerns the idea of a city or...

Magical light over the Emerald Isle - Winter So...
With the Winter Solstice here, and the shortest days and longest nights having arrived, the aurora borealis (northern lights) treated us to a timely and magical display over Newgrange tonight....
Magical light over the Emerald Isle - Winter So...
With the Winter Solstice here, and the shortest days and longest nights having arrived, the aurora borealis (northern lights) treated us to a timely and magical display over Newgrange tonight....

Mystery site - possible monument in heart of th...
In the summer of 1999, artist Richard Moore asked me if I would like to see a strange site that he had discovered in the heart of the Boyne Valley....
Mystery site - possible monument in heart of th...
In the summer of 1999, artist Richard Moore asked me if I would like to see a strange site that he had discovered in the heart of the Boyne Valley....

Pledge to the king: unless the sky shall fall w...
The fighting Irish . . . this is a quote from the famous Irish mythical epic Táin Bó Cuailnge. The Ulster heroes declare this to king Conchubhar when he calls...
Pledge to the king: unless the sky shall fall w...
The fighting Irish . . . this is a quote from the famous Irish mythical epic Táin Bó Cuailnge. The Ulster heroes declare this to king Conchubhar when he calls...

The Hill of Slane - where Christianity met preh...
To me, the Hill of Slane represents the place where Christianity met prehistory. Saint Patrick is said to have lit the Paschal Fire here in 433AD, bringing the flame of...
The Hill of Slane - where Christianity met preh...
To me, the Hill of Slane represents the place where Christianity met prehistory. Saint Patrick is said to have lit the Paschal Fire here in 433AD, bringing the flame of...

Not among the Newgrange winter solstice lottery...
If, like most people, you are not among the winter solstice lottery winners who will have exclusive access to the chamber of Newgrange next weekend, then fret not. Because this...
Not among the Newgrange winter solstice lottery...
If, like most people, you are not among the winter solstice lottery winners who will have exclusive access to the chamber of Newgrange next weekend, then fret not. Because this...

Get up close and personal with the entrance ker...
This video shows the entrance kerb stone at Newgrange (known as kerb 1) in great detail, and allows you to view the carvings on the stone without actually having to...
Get up close and personal with the entrance ker...
This video shows the entrance kerb stone at Newgrange (known as kerb 1) in great detail, and allows you to view the carvings on the stone without actually having to...

Fabulous new 3D images by Kerem Gogus show Irel...
A new depiction of Ireland's Stonehenge at sunset around midwinter, by 3D artist Kerem Gogus. I am delighted to unveil new 3D-generated images showing Ireland's Stonehenge as it might have looked, created by...
Fabulous new 3D images by Kerem Gogus show Irel...
A new depiction of Ireland's Stonehenge at sunset around midwinter, by 3D artist Kerem Gogus. I am delighted to unveil new 3D-generated images showing Ireland's Stonehenge as it might have looked, created by...

Newgrange and the return of the Tuatha Dé Danann
I wake up some days and I wonder what we started when we left the forests and turned away from the hunter-gatherer lifestyle towards organised agriculture and monument construction. It...
Newgrange and the return of the Tuatha Dé Danann
I wake up some days and I wonder what we started when we left the forests and turned away from the hunter-gatherer lifestyle towards organised agriculture and monument construction. It...

Ceremonial dismemberment and excarnation in pre...
For a while, I've been wondering about how the small human bone fragments that have been found in some Irish passage-tombs came to be in such a fragmented condition. In...
Ceremonial dismemberment and excarnation in pre...
For a while, I've been wondering about how the small human bone fragments that have been found in some Irish passage-tombs came to be in such a fragmented condition. In...

The huge monoliths of Ireland's Stonehenge were...
Monument was thought to have been completely destroyed some time between 1748 and 1907 However, some of its largest stones might have been buried For years I have been drawing...
The huge monoliths of Ireland's Stonehenge were...
Monument was thought to have been completely destroyed some time between 1748 and 1907 However, some of its largest stones might have been buried For years I have been drawing...

The Field Names of County Louth and Meath
I was delighted to receive a copy of The Field Names of County Louth as a gift today. It joins my copy of The Field Names of County Meath as...
The Field Names of County Louth and Meath
I was delighted to receive a copy of The Field Names of County Louth as a gift today. It joins my copy of The Field Names of County Meath as...

The Cry of the Sebac and the survival of ancien...
Over the past few years I've taken a great interest in the creatures of Irish myth. Among the animals that have great significance in the ancient mythology of Ireland are...
The Cry of the Sebac and the survival of ancien...
Over the past few years I've taken a great interest in the creatures of Irish myth. Among the animals that have great significance in the ancient mythology of Ireland are...

Descend into Ireland in a mist . . . arrive mag...
Inspired by the writings of the late John Moriarty, I included the following words in a talk entitled 'The Tuatha Dé Danann - They haven't gone away you know' to...
Descend into Ireland in a mist . . . arrive mag...
Inspired by the writings of the late John Moriarty, I included the following words in a talk entitled 'The Tuatha Dé Danann - They haven't gone away you know' to...

The synchronicity of the swans
Recently I've found that my senses have come into sharp focus around certain mythical imagery associated closely with the Boyne Valley area. In my spare time, I'm doing some study...
The synchronicity of the swans
Recently I've found that my senses have come into sharp focus around certain mythical imagery associated closely with the Boyne Valley area. In my spare time, I'm doing some study...

Only the guardian of Fourknocks knows its true ...
Inside the ancient stone chamber of Fourknocks, a seemingly small yet very impressive monument of the late Neolithic, there are a number of intricately carved stones, some pristinely preserved. The...
Only the guardian of Fourknocks knows its true ...
Inside the ancient stone chamber of Fourknocks, a seemingly small yet very impressive monument of the late Neolithic, there are a number of intricately carved stones, some pristinely preserved. The...

Several views of the Seven Suns stone at Dowth
Some interesting photos of the Stone of the Seven Suns (Kerb 51) at Dowth, using lighting techniques.
Several views of the Seven Suns stone at Dowth
Some interesting photos of the Stone of the Seven Suns (Kerb 51) at Dowth, using lighting techniques.

Interesting solstice atmospherics at Newgrange
Tonight at Newgrange was very interesting. Having taken pictures of the sun setting behind Newgrange from Staleen, at the Boyne Canal, and then up on Red Mountain, I decided to...
Interesting solstice atmospherics at Newgrange
Tonight at Newgrange was very interesting. Having taken pictures of the sun setting behind Newgrange from Staleen, at the Boyne Canal, and then up on Red Mountain, I decided to...

Spectacular Summer Solstice sunset over Newgrange
The clouds looked ominous as I headed out from home towards the Boyne Valley. As I got closer to Staleen, on the southern banks of the Boyne opposite Newgrange, I...
Spectacular Summer Solstice sunset over Newgrange
The clouds looked ominous as I headed out from home towards the Boyne Valley. As I got closer to Staleen, on the southern banks of the Boyne opposite Newgrange, I...

Circles in stone at Dowth
Dowth kerbstone with circular carvings, illuminated from different angles to highlight the art. This is a montage of four different images of a kerbstone at Dowth that has a number...
Circles in stone at Dowth
Dowth kerbstone with circular carvings, illuminated from different angles to highlight the art. This is a montage of four different images of a kerbstone at Dowth that has a number...

Knowth kerbstone 83 - natural and man-made holes
This is kerbstone 83 at Knowth – or, if you prefer Martin Brennan's numbering system (which I don't), kerbstone NW9. Professor George Eogan, who excavated Knowth, refers to the style...
Knowth kerbstone 83 - natural and man-made holes
This is kerbstone 83 at Knowth – or, if you prefer Martin Brennan's numbering system (which I don't), kerbstone NW9. Professor George Eogan, who excavated Knowth, refers to the style...

Heaven's mirror - as above, so below at Knowth
The interpretation of megalithic art is a highly subjective area. I have a tendency to go along with some, but not all, of Martin Brennan's interpretations, and am particularly impressed...
Heaven's mirror - as above, so below at Knowth
The interpretation of megalithic art is a highly subjective area. I have a tendency to go along with some, but not all, of Martin Brennan's interpretations, and am particularly impressed...

An investigation of the alignment of the passag...
Several years ago I wrote about the Cygnus Enigma and the apparent orientation of Newgrange towards Fourknocks and the orientation of Fourknocks towards a place on the horizon where the brightest star...
An investigation of the alignment of the passag...
Several years ago I wrote about the Cygnus Enigma and the apparent orientation of Newgrange towards Fourknocks and the orientation of Fourknocks towards a place on the horizon where the brightest star...

Science and mysticism - the genius of the Stone...
The more insignificant modern man becomes - on his shrinking earth, hardly a cosmic speck - the more arrogant he is. He feels far less humility toward the ever-vaster unknown...
Science and mysticism - the genius of the Stone...
The more insignificant modern man becomes - on his shrinking earth, hardly a cosmic speck - the more arrogant he is. He feels far less humility toward the ever-vaster unknown...

The writing continues. Always, the writing cont...
As long as I can remember, I've been writing. While it's true that all children learn to write from a young age anyway, I think I developed a love for...
The writing continues. Always, the writing cont...
As long as I can remember, I've been writing. While it's true that all children learn to write from a young age anyway, I think I developed a love for...

No passage-tomb under Millmount?
Millmount might not have been built on a Stone Age passage-tomb, a public presentation of archaeological data heard last night in Drogheda.However, one intriguing possibility based on the results of...
No passage-tomb under Millmount?
Millmount might not have been built on a Stone Age passage-tomb, a public presentation of archaeological data heard last night in Drogheda.However, one intriguing possibility based on the results of...

A few pictures of the completed High Man art in...
The completed 'High Man' artwork, shown on Summer Solstice.Photo: The finished High Man project, sitting on a winter solsticealignment with Newgrange in the background and Mound Ain the foreground. Photo:
A few pictures of the completed High Man art in...
The completed 'High Man' artwork, shown on Summer Solstice.Photo: The finished High Man project, sitting on a winter solsticealignment with Newgrange in the background and Mound Ain the foreground. Photo:

Richard Moore's latest art installation - giant...
A giant art installation depicting the 'High Man' Orion figure was completed by artist Richard Moore and his friend Derek McCloskey at Newgrange Farm.
Richard Moore's latest art installation - giant...
A giant art installation depicting the 'High Man' Orion figure was completed by artist Richard Moore and his friend Derek McCloskey at Newgrange Farm.

Possible monument at Ballyboy Lake, near Dowth
A short video about a circular feature that I discovered on Google Earth. This is a quick look at three separate aerial/satellite images of the possible archaeological feature at Ballyboy Lake,...
Possible monument at Ballyboy Lake, near Dowth
A short video about a circular feature that I discovered on Google Earth. This is a quick look at three separate aerial/satellite images of the possible archaeological feature at Ballyboy Lake,...

Huge crowd at Newgrange for clouded-out solstice
Huge crowds attended Newgrange for the winter solstice in 2012.
Huge crowd at Newgrange for clouded-out solstice
Huge crowds attended Newgrange for the winter solstice in 2012.

Two ancient names for Newgrange
The name of the famous Newgrange monument is fairly modern, dating to medieval times. Its older names – Síd in Broga and Brug Mac Ind Óc – are explained here.
Two ancient names for Newgrange
The name of the famous Newgrange monument is fairly modern, dating to medieval times. Its older names – Síd in Broga and Brug Mac Ind Óc – are explained here.

Podcast: Interview with Jack Roberts, author of...
A podcast interview with author and jewellery maker Jack Roberts about his new book and other things.
Podcast: Interview with Jack Roberts, author of...
A podcast interview with author and jewellery maker Jack Roberts about his new book and other things.

Newgrange and asking life's big questions
This is a short extract of a speech I made at the launch of my book Newgrange: Monument to Immortality in Drogheda in October 2012. It serves to highlight some of...
Newgrange and asking life's big questions
This is a short extract of a speech I made at the launch of my book Newgrange: Monument to Immortality in Drogheda in October 2012. It serves to highlight some of...

Latest podcast: Newgrange and the place name 'B...
Above is my latest podcast, which this week focuses on the place name 'Bro', also written 'Broe', which is found at Newgrange and in its vicinity. William Borlase, in his...
Latest podcast: Newgrange and the place name 'B...
Above is my latest podcast, which this week focuses on the place name 'Bro', also written 'Broe', which is found at Newgrange and in its vicinity. William Borlase, in his...

Early plans, drawings and photographs of Newgra...
Some early plans and drawings of Newgrange from archaeologist George Coffey.
Early plans, drawings and photographs of Newgra...
Some early plans and drawings of Newgrange from archaeologist George Coffey.

Rare exquisite drawings of Newgrange from 1866
A sketch of the entrance to Newgrange published in 1866. These two drawings of Newgrange are extraordinary. I've never seen them until today. And even though I've written a book about Newgrange...
Rare exquisite drawings of Newgrange from 1866
A sketch of the entrance to Newgrange published in 1866. These two drawings of Newgrange are extraordinary. I've never seen them until today. And even though I've written a book about Newgrange...

The search for Amergin and Drogheda's Stone Age...
Drogheda Museum / Old Drogheda SocietySpecial HERITAGE WEEK lecture Is Millmount really a passage-tomb? THE SEARCH FOR AMHAIRGIN – Looking deep into Millmount’s past … By Kevin Barton & Conor...
The search for Amergin and Drogheda's Stone Age...
Drogheda Museum / Old Drogheda SocietySpecial HERITAGE WEEK lecture Is Millmount really a passage-tomb? THE SEARCH FOR AMHAIRGIN – Looking deep into Millmount’s past … By Kevin Barton & Conor...

First passage-tomb discovered in the Boyne Vall...
The first passage-tomb to be discovered at Brú na Bóinne in 200 years was identified using modern imaging techniques.
First passage-tomb discovered in the Boyne Vall...
The first passage-tomb to be discovered at Brú na Bóinne in 200 years was identified using modern imaging techniques.

Author Martin Brennan speaking in Ireland at th...
In 2009, after having thought about it for a long time, I decided to try to get Martin Brennan back to Ireland. The author of 'The Boyne Valley Vision' and...
Author Martin Brennan speaking in Ireland at th...
In 2009, after having thought about it for a long time, I decided to try to get Martin Brennan back to Ireland. The author of 'The Boyne Valley Vision' and...

Calling the Tuatha Dé Danann back from the sídh...
How do myths and monuments contribute to our understanding of a modern political and social crisis? Can the Tuatha Dé Danann help?
Calling the Tuatha Dé Danann back from the sídh...
How do myths and monuments contribute to our understanding of a modern political and social crisis? Can the Tuatha Dé Danann help?

Ever wondered what the inside of Dowth looks like?
Did you ever wonder what the interior of Dowth's megalithic chambers looks like? A new 3D laser scan model gives you a virtual tour.
Ever wondered what the inside of Dowth looks like?
Did you ever wonder what the interior of Dowth's megalithic chambers looks like? A new 3D laser scan model gives you a virtual tour.